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Setting up and changing your current interactive shellArticle ID: 84



Changing the current shell for a user account

  1. To change your current shell (default is /bin/bash), make sure you are logged into shell and type the following command: chsh
  2. You will be asked to enter your password to continue, then you will have to specify the shell you would like to use in the future. You should receive an output similar to:

    Changing shell for ricardo.
    New shell [/bin/bash]: /usr/bin/tmux
    Shell changed.
  3. Once you have changed your shell successfully, logout and then login again to use your new shell.

Listing installed shells available for use

  1. To see a list of installed shells, make sure you are logged into shell and type the following command: chsh -l
    If this doesn't work, execute the following command instead: cat /etc/shells
  2. Executing this command will show you a list of usable shells on the system. Example:


Detecting the current shell for a user account

  1. To view the current interactive shell being used by your user account, make sure you are logged into shell and type the following command: env | grep SHELL. Example output:


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