Autobot is a lightweight and an easy-to-use automation software that can control your keyboard and mouse automatically based on a list you provide that contains all the actions required to be taken during a date and time you provide.
If you are tired of repeating your mouse tasks and searching for a software to do this automatically for you, look no further, Autobot is programmed to serve you and of course, your mouse tasks! All you have to do is to create a list in which you define mouse or keyboard tasks, and the application will do the tasks for you.
You may also feel free to continuously repeat the list, or if you like to be specific, you can also set how many times the list should run. You may interrupt the list any time by running the Windows Task Manager. To do so, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete (or if you are running Windows 7 or above, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Start Task Manager). Running just this Windows utility will automatically stop the application.
Another option that would save you a lot of time is saving your list! If you do have to write the same list every time you start the application, then press on the tiny Save button to remember the list the next time the application starts. Your saved list will then automatically appear inside the application, you don't have to type it again!
Here comes the part where you should provide information, but first, you should select which interface you are comfortable with. The application features two different interfaces; a simple/standard and an advanced mode, feel free to pick the one you prefer by ticking the Advanced box, located at the bottom left.
After selecting the suitable interface, start filling your list up by either entering the number of tasks to produce if you are using the standard mode or using the right pane in case you are using the advanced mode.
Easy task, right? Not that fast! You will need to build up your list according to the following variables
Ind(n) = The coordinate to move the mouse position to (also known as Index). Example for 120 as X and 480 as Y: 120,480 Delay = The delay in milliseconds before moving the mouse position. Example for 4 seconds: 4000 Method = The mouse button to click; can be: S (Performs a single left click) SD (Performs a double left click) R (Performs a single right click) RD (Performs a double right click) LH (Holds the left mouse button) LU (Releases the left mouse button) RH (Holds the right mouse button) RU (Releases the right mouse button) H (Moves the mouse cursor to the specified coordinates) SendKeys(something) (Writes 'something' through the keyboard)
Now that wasn't so hard! You don't really have to memorize this list, because a little box would appear when you start typing into the method box which will show you a list of the available methods!
And in case you did not notice, you may as well press Ctrl+Shift+I to insert the current mouse coordinates.
The option Specialize allows you to... Let's be real, the standard mode doesn't really help, just check that Advanced box and you are good to go! If you don't like the advanced mode though, checking Specialize will allow you to set a delay and a mouse button for every task, but you only have to check it in the standard mode because this option is always checked in the advanced mode.
Once you are done filling out your tasks, you may then click on OK to tell the application to start carrying out the list. You will see the mouse cursor move around your screen based on the list you have created. At this point, it's not recommended to interact with your PC while processing the list to avoid interferences.
If you like hotkeys, then this tip is for you! Ctrl+E is a good alternative for the button Edit yet it only focuses on the index(coordinates) field when pressed. You can however press Ctrl+R to edit an entry while focusing on the Delay field or Ctrl+T to edit an entry while focusing on the Method field.
In case you are curious to get a summary about this application, please click on the Help link in the simple mode (The link is only available under the simple mode... apologizes).